Leadership Development, Organiztion Development, Strategy Support, Training Execution
"Professionalism and integrity - these are traits that best describe Jakob. He is a great coach and motivational speaker. He is generous in sharing his talents and experience, passionate in his service, intelligent and knowledgeable in his approach, and always grounded by noble, solid, and trusted values. His approach is holistic, mindful, and powerful. I highly recommend Jakob in his capacity as management consultant. He will change your view on leadership for the better!"
(Referral from a client. 2023)
Coaching, Mentoring, Counselling, Training and Educational activities for your organisation. Support to your internal development of Competences and Structures to handle training.
Training is a natural extension of your Strategy and Organisational development activities.
Analysing your Structure, Processes and Culture to identify if we are on the right track with serving the strategic purpose - designing alternative courses of action, and helping you implement the chosen solution.
A natural sequel to the Strategy Process.
Facilitating Strategy Processes, assuming Process Lead if you prefer.
Helping you make your Operational Design and Converting Intentions to Actions.
A very natural precursor to your Organisation and People development activities.
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